Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, September 19, 2011

And the gates are coming up soon...

I do hope to instill this child with a love of cooking.  However, I really don't think this is really the best start to it.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Just singin' and dancin'

Two minutes of baby cuteness.  Again, from my phone, so horrible quality...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Insert generic update message here

This child is changing faster than I can keep up, I swear.  She's got a cold right now too, so we have a sad, grumpy baby.

Got a bunch of pics and stuff to share.

Happy baby

I think she's going to lower her head and charge at me.  While mooing.

Mom and baby.

Pu-LEEZ, you expect me to eat at this dump?

Want bacon.  Can't have bacon.  Sad baby.

I got a lei from an event at work.  She seemed to like to eat it.

Recycled baby!

Baby loves paper.

Who is this goofy guy and why is he holding me?

On our first big, long walk.

Baby getting tired of walk.

Baby EXTREMELY tired of walk.

Grapefruit juice!

Playing with paper



Trying to crawl