Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, December 25, 2010

New tricks~

Updates on what Gwen can do and how she amuses her (easily amused and surprisingly sappy) parents:

--She has found her hands! She very much enjoys nomming her right hand these days, even when not hungry. It was confusing to us for awhile, thinking she was hungry. These days she sucks on them at night the last two nights. Self-soothing here we come! Yay! ... Also, seems she has an idol in Miss Piper. She's started, sometimes, doing the "horns" that Piper does. Luke got a picture of her -almost- doing it, but not quite. I'll see if I can get him to post it, but I'm not sure it's very clear.
We need a link to Piper, showing her how to do it!

--She's also started staring at her hands and feet, which someone told me was good.

--She scoots alllll over in the night in her crib. Ends up 180 or 240 degrees rotated from what we put her at . This is a bit disconcerting at times!

--She is smiling and giggling and making a lot of faces these days, starting to make more when you make them at her. Likely the smiles are still just gas, but they're fun anyway. She's a ham sometimes.

--All sorts of funny little noises coming from her these days. We crack up listening to her. Who knew Luke and I would be so sappy.

--LOVES her K-state mobile. LOVES it. She will stare and stare and respond to it.

--She's sleeping longer, sometimes 5 or 6 hours at night. -I- still have to get up and "provide for the child" (as Aunt Susi put it!), so that's tiring.

(TMI and not as cute! Read at own risk!)

--She's also converted to a (Luke said it!) "pooping very rarely, but HUGELY" . It's freaking us out a bit. She's still eating 100% breastmilk (Geez, I hate pumping. So much. But she never took to eating well, so bottles it is). And when she has stools, they look like normal breast fed stools. The doctor told us not to worry too much, but we can't help it!


  1. Yay, Gwen! That's very cute that she's copying Piper now. Here's a link to a recent pic of Piper sucking her fingers.

  2. Ugh, pumping is a pain -- you're a real trooper for keeping it up 100% of the time.

    The infrequent ginormous poops are totally normal. Tristan started them around 6 or 7 weeks and then kept them up until maybe 8 or 9 months? Now he is, thankfully, a one-a-day pooper. Except he skipped today so tomorrow will be a poopsplosion.
