Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 18, 2010

A possibility

We spent some time talking to our nurse last night and she mentioned that Gwen really doesn't look like a 38-week baby to her, maybe closer to a 35 or 36 weeker.  Jenni says that every new nurse has also assumed that Gwen's a premie.  Since the only way we could get an age estimate was at the 5-monthish ultrasound, and it's a +- 2 week guess anyway, maybe she really is a premie.  It would help explain her eating problems since she really doesn't match the book's description of what she should be doing at 2 weeks old at all.

Then again, maybe not.  The doctors have never questioned her age, so...  We may never know for sure, but having all the nurses (so far) think so makes us feel better as to why she's having these problems...


  1. She does really to have a lot of the same issues that the girls did - and they were born at 36 weeks. I've wondered about that too.

  2. I just asumed she was a preemie, like you said, around 34-36 weeks. It would explain the size & difficulty eating. When they are early, even 37-38 weeks you can't compare them to the "standard" in the books, our daughter was born at 37 and it took a little bit to catch up, she's 2 1/2 now and there would be no way to know she was a "early."
