Spent a good Friday afternoon in the NICU with Gwen. Gave a chance for Jenni to get a much-needed nap. No time to post any pics like I thought I would - spent entirely too much time with Gwen asleep on my chest to want to fire up the laptop. Sorry, masses. No pics for you.
Gave Gwen a bottle today between breastfeedings (doctor's orders). She swallowed about 30 mils out of 50 within about 4 minutes. Then she stopped. No burps, even with much trying in several positions/etc. No interest in eating at all after that. So she got fed the rest through her tube. Fell asleep on me, Jenni's napping, and then BLURT. Gwen's very first spit-up, and I got to experience it. I was lucky in that her blanket and clothes got all of it. I was unlucky in that I had to try to figure out how to clean up and change a baby by myself. That was perhaps the slowest change of clothes a baby has ever had to go through. New outfit, yellow this time. Will have a pic up eventually. Really. I promise. For real this time.
No ophthalmologist today. Very annoyed, since I left work to try to catch her. I did have our nurse get a neonatologist in to answer my questions, though. Turns out that (as Jenni has been saying) they're just being cautious. Gwen's small, which can come from Jenn's hypertension. Apparently it can also come from toxoplasmosis and some viral disease whose name is an acronym I can't remember. They're doing tests to see if these could have caused her low birth weight. So far all the tests have come back negative; there's still one for toxoplasmosis that's out, but it should be back in a few days. So I feel better.
We have no other data. Everything's fine. Gwen will be out of the NICU when she's eating better - there's no set date. We can't answer any more questions. Really. This is it. When we stumble upon more knowledge we'll put it up here.
Good for you in speaking with a neonatolgist. It's hard not knowing what's going on. Sounds like you're at the point where Gwen's in charge and she'll decide when she's ready to go home. Frustrating, I know, but you'll get there.