Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Small anecdote

I know most babies give you lots of anecdotes, and for most of them you probably have to be there to really get the full feeling. And I know no one is likely as interested as Luke or I. But, I still want to remember this, so I'm making a little post.

Yesterday night, when I got home late, Gwen had already been put down for the night. Usually she stays asleep. Occasionally she'll wake up a little fussy or to eat. Luke and I were eating dinner together and the monitor goes off. Since I haven't seen her all day, I volunteered to go see what was up.

I go up to her room and listen at the door. She's been coughing a little, so I didn't want to bother her if she was just coughing some and still basically asleep.

Instead of coughing, I hear laughing. A lot of it. So I go in, and there she is, just haaaaaappy and laughing for no obvious reason. I start to laugh back. Then she REALLY gets going. Taking her downstairs to see Luke, she continues to laugh and starts to laugh enough to start making little baby laughing-so-hard-I'm-snorting noises.

It was probably the cutest thing ever.

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