Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Toddling around

The child's walking has improved drastically over the past few weeks.  She's still not as fast as when she does her Quasimodo scoot, but she gets by.

A few random pics:

I might as well list some of her words since we haven't updated them in awhile.  She's become an utter mimic so I finally have to watch my language a bit.

  • "fishies" == craisins (no clue on this one)
  • "dobbie" == strawberry
  • "noni" == macaroni (or any other pasta)
  • "peas" == please
  • "uppeas" == up please
  • "down" == down, or up onto the furniture
  • "on" == light, light switch, let me play with the light switch
  • "than koo" == thank you
  • "bath"
  • "sleepy"
  • "night night"
  • "elmo" - could be TV in general, but it seems to be more specifically this
  • "milk"
  • lots more, but nothing coming to mind

1 comment:

  1. AWWWWW!!!!! She's such a cutie. And has a bigger vocabulary than my boy, it must be said.
