Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Be very afraid...

Dinnertime yesterday.  Gwen is having a little play, with different pieces of food acting out the plot.  I found the character development to be a bit lacking, but the players certainly were giving it there all.  I'm playing on my phone and then I hear loud and clear, in a perfectly calm voice:

I will cut you.

I look up, eyes wide open, expecting to see eyes locked on mine, maybe a head twisting around, already planning on calling an old priest and a young priest, but there is just Gwen.  Two pieces of cheese, one in each hand, with one starting to tear.  I'm assuming that's the one that was being cut and not doing the cutting, but I didn't inquire further.  Just went back to my phone.

And since I can't just leave without some form of graphical extravaganza for the adoring masses.  One of my old coworkers was getting rid of an old swing set so I rounded up some competent workers (I'm useless when it comes to moving heavy objects OR assembling things) and got it moved over:

Keith (classy as always), Joseph, Eric, and Eric's dad

I come home from work and find that Amie lowered one of the swings to Gwen's height

I'm looking directly into the sun with no glasses on. Your star burns!

 Swinging with Amie

Driving to work with spaghetti cream

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