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Monday, January 31, 2011

Very Belated Holidays

Here it is, practically February, and I'm just now getting around to posting some holiday pictures.  I wasn't kidding when I said work's been killing me.  But Gwen's babysiter had to take her own kids to the doctor today and I had to come pick up Gwen, so time for a post!

First off is Christmas with my family. Somehow we didn't get pictures with everybody, but this is what I got:

Grammers Judy

Uncle Mark and Cousin Jack

All the Nagl girls.  Clockwise from left are Susi, Judy, Sarah, Gwen, and Emily

Uncle John

Gwen at her first Mexican restaurant.
Jenni's family came up to visit over New Year's.  Somehow we never got any good pictures of the adults (not kidding - NONE), but there's always children to entertain us:

Megan and Morgan, devouring Judy's lemon tartlets
Morgan holding Gwen
All the girls and an unhappy Gwen.  She was very tired that day.
Morgan holding Gwen, with Maddy gently stroking her head.  I don't know where Megan disappeared to...

Madeline was very cute - every time Gwen would start crying (which was quite often), she would bring something to Gwen, we assume to make her feel better. I remember a blanket, a stuffed animal, the boat pictured above, Christmas presents, and several dog toys.

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