Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, October 18, 2010

At least we have this part under control

Or at least, Jenni does.  As usual, I'm just here for the heavy lifting.

This is breast milk.  30 vials of it.  The NICU said we had to take some home since we filled up their freezer.  And we've got to take another batch home tomorrow.

They're not all full, but still...

Need to reorganize the freezer.  Quickly.

And yes, that's Curious George on the refrigerator.  Because he's awesome.


  1. Jess G. here. GO, JENN!!! Good job, mama, on pumping that much milk. I know how much of a hassle it is to pump, and how much dedication it takes, and I just want to commend you!

  2. Woohoo! You are looking at a night out in a little plastic vial!! It took me a looonnng time to build up enough reserve milk to be able to go out for a movie and leave the babe with my mom. Jenn is awesome!!

  3. And we more than doubled that last night...
