Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Evening schedule

This morning Gwen's still in the NICU.  Apparently she had no desire to eat last night.  I actually got some sleep since my body started freaking out, but poor Jenn was up practically the whole time.  The process was (to the best of my understanding):

Attempt to nurse (20-30 min)
Attempt to bottle feed (15-20 min)
Pump (20-30 min)

Add in the requisite baby checkups, transport to/from the isolate, situating, cleaning the pump bits, etc, this turned out to leave about 30 minutes before the process had to be restarted each time.

Jenn's trying to sleep now.  Get to go do it all again in about 30 min.

1 comment:

  1. Get jen one of these for pumping. Pumping hands free is a gazillion times better. Yup, I said a gazillion. This thing is a big part of the reason I am still pumping.
